Grab A Badge!

I'm adding something new to my blog: a badge!  I know you can't physically go on walks with me (although, maybe you could - we just haven't talked about it before...), but by visiting my website, you are virtually walking with me, which is close enough.  So, if you like my blog, feel free to show me the love by grabbing the html code to add a badge to your website.

I've also been giving my blog some thought, especially about what I would like to do with it after the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in June.  Good news - I think I have it figured out.  So keep walking with me to find out what I've got planned.  It's gonna be fun, I swear!


  1. Very cute badge, and I love the new look - I think it's classy. I don't have a blog, but am hoping to start one soon and I'll be sure to "grab a badge!"

    Your pal... Candi :)


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